metaf2xml: parse and decode METAR, TAF, SYNOP, BUOY and AMDAR

A good source for up-to-date METAR and TAF messages is:

If an option with "id(s)" is chosen and one or more id(s) are given, messages will be fetched from the selected source (or if this option is disabled from the server where this web page comes from).

language: Deutsch English Español
output as: HTML text XML (+XSL -> HTML)
fetch/display: latest/detailed all/summary since hour(s), temperature in°C °F

METAR, TAF examples: METAR QUDO 090600Z 00000KT CAVOK 22/15 Q1021 NOSIG
TAF QUDO 090600Z 0907/0916 VRB03KT 8000 SKC PROB40 TEMPO 0907/0908 0200 +TSRA FM090800 CAVOK
TAF QUDO 090600Z 090716 VRB03KT 8000 SKC PROB40 TEMPO 0708 0200 +TSRA FM0800 CAVOK
METAR message or
TAF message or
ICAO id(s):
fetch messages from: NOAA/IWS NOAA/NWS NOAA/API Ogimet

SYNOP examples: AAXX 09004 08495 11459 30714 10147 20136 30151 40159 58005 60001 70511 83500 92350
BBXX UIDS 18061 99613 70284 41698 61806 10000 40107 57020 70121 86//8 22271 00064
OOXX AAERC 10104 99815 31639 60713 00451 46/// /1511 11185 39739 49798 5//// 90940
message or
WMO id(s) or
SHIP id(s) or
MOBIL id(s):
fetch messages from: NOAA/NWS College of DuPage Ogimet

BUOY examples: ZZYY 47503 02031 2206/ 769820 097173 6112/ 444 20120 02031 2201/ 500// 9/000
message or
WMO id(s):
fetch messages from: NOAA/NWS Ogimet

AMDAR examples: AMDAR 1605 ASC AFZA51 2624S 02759E 160414 F156 MS048 278/034 TB0 S031 333 F/// VG010
message or
aircraft id(s):
fetch messages from: NOAA/NWS

Warning: The information below may be out-dated, inaccurate, or both. It is not suited for use in aviation.

Values of entries marked with * do not originate directly from the message, but are derived from its data.

CWYF SA 0700 AUTO8 M M M 956/-03/-04/0727+33/M/ PK WND 0733 0657Z PRESFR SOG 03 8041 24MM
METAR AUTO8 METAR Report (automatic station)
CWYF station id: CWYF
0700 observation time: at 07:00 UTC
0727+33 Wind: from the east-north-east (70° (+4°/-5°)) at 50 km/h 27 kt = 31.1 mph = 13.9 m/s
with gusts at 61.1 km/h 33 kt = 38 mph = 17 m/s
M Visibility: (not available)
M Weather: (not available)
M Sky condition: (not available)
-03/-04 Temperature: -3 (-3.5 .. <-2.5) °C 26.6 °F
Dewpoint: -4 (-4.5 .. <-3.5) °C 24.8 °F
relative humidity*: 93 %
M altimeter: (not available)
RMK Remarks:
956 sea level pressure: 995.6 hPa 29.40 in. Hg = 747 mmHg
PK WND 0733 0657Z peak wind at 06:57 UTC: from the east-north-east (70° (+4°/-5°)) at 61.1 km/h 33 kt = 38 mph = 17 m/s
PRESFR pressure trend: falling rapidly
SOG 03 snow depth: 3 cm 1.18 in.
8041 pressure change since 3 hour(s): -4.1 hPa, steady or having increased, then decreased; or decreased, then decreased more rapidly
24 Temperature: -3.2 °C 26.2 °F
Dewpoint: -4.4 °C 24.1 °F
relative humidity*: 91 %

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